The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.

Image of an elephant trunk rising up out of a tea cup on a light blue background

The elephant in the room

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

“We need to talk about….”

It’s never a good line to hear. More often than not, it tends to mean a difficult conversation is coming. And it’s the same when we talk about expected guideline returns for investment portfolios.

Most of us would prefer to avoid a difficult conversation but with the financial climate we’re in, it’s important to reset expectations if that’s needed.

In our next webinar, Catriona Reed, Head of Northern England Intermediary will join Matt Yeates, Head of Alternatives and Quantitative Strategy, as they discuss how we use long-term return forecasts to set realistic return guidelines for our portfolios. They will also assess alternative options available during lower return environments and what conversations are needed to support your clients through these periods.

We look forward to you joining us for what will be an intriguing session.

Complete the form to register today.


Image of Catriona Reed, Head of Northern England Intermediary
Catriona Reed
Head of Northern England Intermediary
Image of Matthew Yeates, Deputy Chief Investment Officer
Matt Yeates
Head of Alternatives and Quantitative Strategy
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