The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.

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Behavioural finance: Why cognitive diversity matters

(for investors, as well as for the FCA!)
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

In its recent discussion paper, “Diversity and inclusion in the financial sector”, the FCA looks at lots of different consequences from promoting a more diverse and inclusive financial sector – many of them to do with the sociological benefits.

Beyond the headlines though, we think that the behavioural business benefits of diversity are worth digging into (point 1.21 in the discussion paper).
There’s a lot of academic research into the positive boost which cognitive diversity can give to a team, or to a business – and we’ve been putting a lot of it into practice over the past few years.

In the next of our Behavioural Finance series, Ben Kumar and Ahmer Tirmizi will be taking a look at this topic and discussing:

• What is cognitive diversity?
• Why it is important in business and investing?
• How do we work towards it?
• How can advisers demonstrate and benefit from it in their own firms?

There will also be the chance to put your own questions to the team.

Can’t make it live? Register now and we’ll send you the on demand link afterwards to watch whenever suits you.


Image of Ahmer Tirmizi, Senior Investment Strategist
Ahmer Tirmizi
Senior Investment Strategist
Image of Ben Kumar, Senior Investment Strategist
Ben Kumar
Senior Investment Strategist
Image of Catriona Reed, Head of Northern England Intermediary
Catriona Reed
Head of Northern England Intermediary
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