The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.

Image of a stack of black pebbles against a purple background

Finding clarity amongst turmoil

7IM 2022 Webinar Series
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

It’s been a tumultuous few months, with a lot going on in global politics, finance and more. Faced with uncertainty, the world tends to react, rather than reflect – whether that’s stock markets or news outlets. This culture of 24/7, rapid-fire news flow tends to mean worries start to creep in for investors.

When these fears start to emerge, the success of a financial plan can hang on a knife edge. People want to sell. To feel safe. To take control. How can you combat that feeling and stick to the long-term, and ride the waves of the short-term noise?

On Thursday 9 June at 11am, Martyn Surguy, Chief Investment Officer, and Ben Kumar, Senior Investment Strategist, will be discussing the topics causing concern for investors, and how to find clarity amongst the turmoil.

Register today to tune in.


Image of Martyn Surguy, Chief Investment Officer
Martyn Surguy
Chief Investment Officer
Image of Ben Kumar, Senior Investment Strategist
Ben Kumar
Senior Investment Strategist
Capital at risk.
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