The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.

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Investment Update

Q1 2021
13 Jan 2021

“Owning a sensible spread of holdings, combined with the cushion provided by a judicious selection of alternative investments, enabled our portfolios to cope well." Martyn Surguy, Chief Investment Officer

In this quarter's update, Matthew Yeates, Head of Alternatives and Quantitative Strategy, talks us through the reasons that we're holding on to alternatives in our portfolios while Terence Moll, Head of Investment Strategy, looks at the rise of ESG investing, and the three driving forces accelerating this trend.

To find out more about our views on the current environment and the changes that we are making to portfolios from Martyn, Terence and the team, please see below for our latest investment update.

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